Have you ever been overwhelmed by the amount of technology we use at school? We surveyed 85 Maize and Maize South students and found that 66% of students are overwhelmed or have been overwhelmed by the amount of technology we use at school.

Have you ever gotten a headache or eye pain after being on a phone or laptop for too long? 41% of students say they have headaches during or after school due to technology. We did some research to figure out why this is. Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center has come to the verdict that eye strain, blue light screen brightness and screen flicking can be huge contributors to migraines and headaches.
For many people, more assignments are on screens, and students have begun to notice this. 64% of students say that their work is primarily on laptops. Students spend many of their classes on laptops, ended up spending their whole day staring at screens, including flex. 37% of students say that they use their laptops in every class. Some students prefer to just use Chromebooks at school. However, the majority of students would rather their schoolwork be split up 50-50 for both computer and paper assignments.
Those breaks are necessary after being on screens for long periods at a time. 57% of students say that after being on screens all day, they have to take a break before continuing. When are we supposed to take breaks if we constantly are having to be on screens?
We spend so much time on technology outside and during school hours and is starting to take a toll on our mental, but our physical health as well lessening.
The amount of time we spend on technology are giving us time to take breaks can help benefit us in so many ways.