The student news site of Maize Career Academy in Maize, Kansas.

Fusion by OneMaize Media

The student news site of Maize Career Academy in Maize, Kansas.

Fusion by OneMaize Media

The student news site of Maize Career Academy in Maize, Kansas.

Fusion by OneMaize Media

Despite all the good uses AI could be put to, it can cause harm for artists who have their work stolen and copied by others. Many people will also claim that they are professional artists even though they do not actually use their own skills to create an artwork, instead having an algorithm do the work for them.

AI harms artists, steals their work

Rachel Cox, Guest Illustrator
May 1, 2024
Stuck in the Past
According to the Pew Research Center (, the average age of a Senate member is 65 years old. New generations come, but the previous ones remain in charge. The government is getting too old, unable to grasp anything in the Digital Age, yet still dictating it. While the world moves on, the leaders of it remain stuck in the past.

Stuck in the Past

Adrian Sanders, Graphic Designer
November 14, 2023
Undermining Women’s Rights
The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which stripped women of the right to have an abortion, leaving states to decide if they wanted to make abortions illegal. Currently, Ohio is voting on whether to ban abortions. This election creates new vocal points for candidates to focus on in the 2024 presidential election. The overturn exhibits how little the US values womens rights, causing women to fight back again for a fundamental right.

Undermining Women’s Rights

Ava Kohlmeier, Graphic Designer
November 14, 2023
Playing With Fire Will Burn You Too
Greenhouse Gas emissions are the highest they have ever been. The Global temperature has risen 2 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1880s. The US contributes to around 14% of carbon emissions , which is an increasing amount each year.  The Earth is heating up and we are on the road to a mass extinction event. Meanwhile, carbon emissions are worse than ever because of consumerism and greed.

Playing With Fire Will Burn You Too

Maya Stutzman, Graphic Designer
November 14, 2023
Sweden in Flames
After years of prosperity, both economically and politically, Sweden is slowly losing its status. This is mainly due to an increased crime rate and a struggling economy. The peculiar thing is that countries outside of Europe remain oblivious to these issues, perceiving Sweden as a perfect country.

Sweden in Flames

Kristoffer Skjaeveland, Graphic Designer
November 14, 2023
What We Are Fighting Against 
In 2022 there were 46 school shootings which is more than any year since Columbine. This exposed 43,000 children to gunfire and killed 34 students and adults. Despite what many think, handguns are the most common weapon used for school shootings. What is the next step to promise safety to the children who are required to attend school?  The Run, Hide, Fight strategy in schools is not enough. The future of Americans is in schools hands and their ability to protect  children. Things need to change.

What We Are Fighting Against

Madalyn Rhoads, Graphic Designer
November 14, 2023
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