The OneMaize Show: Season 5 Episode 3
Join the OneMaize Show for one final show before Thanksgiving break! In this episode we’ve got a full platter of news and entertainment. For the main course we have a feel good story about Project Life, with sides of “The 266” and the Heart of MCA. And for dessert, learn how to cook a holiday themed dish with our OneMaize crew.
November 17, 2023
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About the Contributors

Sydney Lampkin, Broadcast Videographer.
Sydney Lampkin, senior, is currently in her 8th semester on staff as a broadcast videographer. Lampkin enjoys sarcasm as a way to communicate. She also loves her church family, and traveling is her passion. After high school, Sydney hopes to pursue a career in Education at Oklahoma Baptist University and then teach English overseas.

Melanie Coombs, Videographer
Senior Melanie Coombs is in her fourth year on the OneMaize Media staff. She returns to the team as a videographer and a strong video editor. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, painting, and reading. Coombs has no established college plans but hopes to pursue a career in broadcasting and journalism.

Miles Edwards, Seamless Videographer
Senior Miles Edwards is in his third year on staff at Seamless Productions and also plays soccer for Maize South High School.