Maize Elementary gave students the goal of running a marathon in a month but instead of completing it all at once, the school had the kids run 1 mile a day to slowly reach their goal.

elementary student as he runs his four laps.
(Katelyn Coffey)
“This has been great exercise for the kids’ mornings and gets them up and moving. I encourage all those kids that aren’t doing it this year to do it next year,” said David Goering, a parent of a kindergartener.
To help keep the kids motivated, the school contacted multiple groups around Maize to come out and run with the students.
“This is our 5th year doing this with the RWB, the red, white, and blue veterans’ group. Last year, I came out in a dragon outfit, and I told them I’d bring the dinosaur outfit this year. It’s been fun and it makes the kids happy,” said Ron Lobmeyer, a member of the RWB veterans’ group.
Along with having the community help cheer them on, the students have prizes for reaching smaller goals.
“The kids get prizes every 5 miles they complete. This year, they’ve received a water bottle, a backpack and they’ll get these little blueish green charms to put on their necklace, one for every 5 miles,” said Sarah Landenberger and Alecia Goodman, volunteers at the marathon.
The marathon was originally started by Kelli Scott because she could not find a program for her daughter’s age group to run with.
The school continues to hold the marathon every year for kids similar to Scott’s daughter to ensure that no kid ever has to worry about being left out.
“I think it gives them a lot of pride that they’re able to accomplish something that’s so cool,” said Jessica Koch, MES marathon volunteer.

The students finished the marathon Friday, Oct. 4, running on the Maize High School track.
Family and friends came out to support the kids along with cheer teams from Newman University and Maize’s own cheer squad.
Maize’s marching band and football team also came out to hype the kids up as they reached the last mile.