This upcoming week is the winter homecoming for Maize
Activities for the week will include: basketball games, a pep assembly during En-Cor and spirit dress-up days.
Students can also continue to purchase Crush Soda to send to a friend, a crush, or significant other. The drinks will be sold during lunches for $1.50.
Not only will students be celebrating spirit week but they will also be celebrating Valentine’s Day. To celebrate both the event and the holiday, each dress-up day will coordinate with a Valentine’s Day theme.
The themes for each day include: Lovesick Mon. which is equivalent to wearing your PJs to school. Mon. will also include a jersey auction during En-Cor, the entry fee is one dollar. Tuesday’s theme is Twin Day, so find a buddy and dress alike. Wed. will be Pink Out; there will also be a dodgeball tournament at 6 p.m. in the gym. Thurs. is Love Stinks and go anti-Valentines and wear black. Fri. will be Love Your Eagles,” where students will dress in Eagle Pride gear.
After the home basketball games on Fri., there will be a school dance. The dance will be casual dress attire with a Mardi Gras theme.