Dear Santa,
Christmas is coming quickly, and I am sure you wonder what I will be asking for this year.
No, not a new car. No, not a new laptop. No, not a hippopotamus. And no, I already have my front teeth.
Well, what do I want for Christmas?
Number one on the list, a new tattoo. Oooooh, so crazy right? It’s worth a shot. I mean I don’t have a great reason for wanting it, but I just do. C’mon Santa. Hannah wants another tattoo.
Number two is an iPhone 6. I really don’t have any crazy reason for wanting this besides the fact that my plan is up and I want a new phone. Plus why wouldn’t anyone want the latest and greatest gadget? Santa, Hannah really wants the iPhone 6 please.
Number three, a camel colored, leather, crossbody, Fossil brand bag. Very specific yes, and a necessity for me. My top favorite accessories are shoes and bags. My mom always tells me that it’s OK to spend quite a bit of money on a nice bag because it will last you a long time. So instead of spending money, the elves can get it for me. I need this bag Santa.
Number four, new Nike shoes. I need these athletic shoes because I am totally going to work out in them. Tennis shoes are a must-have and they need to be interchanged often. Santa, these shoes will promote my health.
Number five, Victoria’s Secret legging-style yoga pants. Perfect to go along with the new tennis shoes I hope to get. I mean, you can’t have one without the other. Right? Santa, time to get “fit.”
Even if you don’t bring me any of these items, I’ll still be happy. I have been a good girl this year (well, for the most part) and would greatly appreciate anything.
Sincerely, Hannah.
P.S. I leave milk and cookies and I’ll give you my address, just in case you can’t find me.