Video: Brain rot validity sparks debate
Teachers and parents have expressed concern over potential internet brain rot amongst students. Is the fear legitimate, or a timeshared tradition of misunderstanding a generation’s passion?
December 11, 2024
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About the Contributors

Jack Thomas is in his first year in One Maize Media. Jack works best as an anchor or editor and is into the entertainment aspect of media.

Alec is in his first year of One Maize Media. He works best as an editor or videographer. He likes entertainment and video games.

This is Weston McGlachlin's first year at OneMaize Media. He is an editor, filmer, and anchor for the social medias. he takes the skills he learns from these classes and use them on his YouTube channel "WestonianCrush".

This is Tre's first year as a Project Manager. Wants to become a lawyer when he gets out of school.