Q&A With Mr. Morrison on Fishing During the Quarantine


Photo courtesy of Mr. Morrison

Crappie caught by Mr. Morrison and his family while fishing during quarantine .

Tyler Trice, Web Editor

Q. Since the quarantine started, how much have you found yourself fishing in your free time?


A. Since the quarantine started I’ve been fishing pretty much every Sunday, and all day. There’s a couple weeks when I went out three or four times. 


Q. What are some good places to fish during the quarantine? (low traffic/not well known locations)


A. I’ll tell you some good places, but I’m not going to share my honey holes with you. A good local place is in Colwich, just down the road on 53rd. I like to fish off the floating docks there, and I enjoy going out to Kingman Lake, Winfield Lake, and Harvey County East Lake. 


Q. What’s your favorite type of fish to catch during this time of year?


A. Right now crappie are starting to bite more, because they’re spawning, and I enjoy eating those fried. I love catfish though; fried catfish, sauteed catfish, grilled catfish, cajun catfish, catfish creole……


Mr. Morrison routinely fishes with his daughters and has turned his love of fishing into a family hobby during the quarantine.


Q. How long have you been into fishing as a hobby?


A. I’ve been fishing pretty much since I was a kid. 


Q. Do you usually fish this much at this time of year-or is it just because of the quarantine?


A. Normally, I might fish once or twice a month during this time of year, but because of the quarantine I’m home all day and it’s brought more stress. Not only am I trying my best to keep up with my classes, I also have three daughters at home I’m having to teach now. Fishing allows me to get out of the house for a couple of hours and relax.


Q. Where do you fish? What do you fish for? What do you fish with? Who do you fish with


A. I’d like to go out to Southeast Kansas and get some fishing in, they have some great catfishing places. I’ve been fishing in Arkansas and Missouri, and those were some fun places, especially trout fishing on Father’s Day. I’d love to be able to have fished in every state, and my dream is to either fish in Alaska or Washington during the salmon run. 


Q. How does fishing make you feel?


A. I love fishing for a few reasons; it’s challenging, I’m outside in nature, I love being alone and being able to relax, but my favorite thing about fishing is when I can take my daughters with me. 


Q. Why is fishing keeping you mentally sane with what’s going on?


A. I used to be really passionate about powerlifting and bodybuilding, and I didn’t fish much, or really at all for a long time. As I got older I had to spend more of my time on other things and working out like I used to just wasn’t the best option for me.  Fishing allows me to “unplug” from the world for a few hours, and relax doing something I love. Even if I don’t catch a fish, I feel really good, and when I can spend time fishing with my family or friends, it’s an added bonus. 


Q. Do you fish for fun or for food? Do you always fish like this?


A. I love hunting and fishing, because I think it’s a lot of fun, and being able to cook what I get, makes me feel proud. My wife and kids tease me that I like acting like a mountain man.