Review: Top five romantic comedies for Valentine’s Day

Revenge of the Bridesmaids is number 1 on my top 5 rom-coms list.
February 13, 2020

Below, I have rated my personal top five romantic comedies in time for Valentine’s Day.
- “27 Dresses”
A movie I’ve only seen a few times, “27 Dresses” is a bit cliché. The film follows a woman who has never been married and goes to an abundant amount of weddings as maid of honor, waiting to find her perfect match. It took a long while, but when she did, she never saw him coming. This movie is incredibly cute and perfect to watch with your gal pals.
- “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”
This movie is such a classic. Anytime I want to watch a movie that will make me feel happy and pumped up, I watch “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” Some of the actors could act better and be less stiff, but I love movie (and its killer soundtrack) in spite of that.
- “Me Before You”
This movie gives me all of the feels. It’s another cliché, but it is just too good not to put on this list. A goofy woman works for a man who became paralyzed and is (fairly) a little grumpy. He doesn’t like her at the beginning, but the film shows she has a way of easily growing on people. They fall in love, but then he soon after gets sick. Though “Me Before You” ends tragically and makes me sad every time, it is still a fantastic romance, though a little lighter on the comedic side.
- “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”
Another movie I’ve only seen a few times, “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” still has to be one of my favorites. A man bets that he can make a woman fall in love with him in 10 days, and the woman conversely bets that she can make him despite her within the same amount of time. Neither know each other’s bets, however. In the end they fall in love. Can you spot the similarity with the type of rom-coms I love? This movie is kind of cliché and the outcome is expected, but I think generally those are rules for the best of the genre.
- Revenge of the Bridesmaids
I’ve seen this movie at the very least 20 times and, if asked to watch it again, I could never turn it down. The film follows two Bridesmaids and the crazy tactics they employ to break up their ex-high school best friend’s wedding. Overall, this movie is my perfect mix of comedy and romance.