Kay Club sponsored a blood drive by Red Cross and had them bring the Bloodmobile Oct. 24 for students to get the chance to donate blood.
“Students feel proud for giving blood and this year more students have really stepped up and volunteered very fast,” KAY Club adviser Suzanne McKaig said. “The whole thing has been very positive.”
“Some students gave blood with no problem,” junior Mariah Rey said. “Others had a different experience.”
“This was my very first time giving blood. I had a very bad reaction and I turned super white. The nurse couldn’t find my vein so she started moving the needle to find it. She had to put it in three times. I ended up only being able to give not even half of what they needed. It was bad.”
Red Cross received 23 units of blood from 30 donors. Every donation saves 3 lives, Maize saved 69.