FFA prepares for upcoming donkey basketball game
March 21, 2016

Future Farmers of America (FFA) isn’t just about growing corn and raising cattle on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere. It deals with any and all things agriculture; from where it all starts within food production until it finally gets to your plate.
“FFA is a leadership-building organization that’s rooted in agricultural education,” sophomore Brandon Carp said. “We learn lots of career skills like public speaking, being able to give reasoning, being able to deduct reasoning, and then we use that.”
In order to get the community more involved, FFA is hosting a donkey basketball tournament on March 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the gym. There will be four teams: one consisting of teachers, and three student teams. The event includes two games, a championship round, and quite a few donkeys.
“Donkey basketball is what it sounds like. You actually ride the donkey while playing basketball,” junior FFA member Hannah Tice said.
The money made during this activity will go toward FFA.
“If we pull this off it’s going to be helping future funding for state,” freshman Autumn Brummer said. “We have people who go in for Creed Speaking for FFA, and people who go into these speaking events it costs us to get there, and this money will be going into future events.”