Students refute Donald Trump’s anti-immigration campaign
March 1, 2016

The 2016 presidential election is right around the corner, and it is hard to scroll through Twitter without seeing something about a specific candidate, Donald Trump. A majority of the spiel on social media about Trump is usually a negative response from his skeptics.
“Donald Trump has a notorious beef with immigrants. He wants to deport all 11 million unauthorized immigrants from the US and ban any Muslim immigrants, authorized or not, from entering the country,” said.
If Trump’s campaign passed, about 41.3 million immigrants, which is about 13 percent, of the population will be affected.
At Maize, there are many students and their families who immigrated from other countries; this means, if Donald Trump becomes president, and if his plan to get immigrants out of the country succeed, it will affect a lot of people in America.
Junior Jenna Bosgraaf, who has family from Brazil and Scotland, said she strongly disagrees with Donald Trump.
“I feel like people should be able to come in freely without having to be pushed back,” Bosgraaf said.
Although Bosgraaf was born and raised in America, Trump’s anti-immigration campaign will affect her family, which in return will affect her.
Immigrants view America as a beginning to a new life. Sophomore Southat Chanvannasee’s family moved from Laos, Vietnam. Her family and her came to America because of the “new opportunities” awaiting them.
“I feel like a lot of people who have moved here, even being born here … consider America as their home,” Chanvannasee said. “So it would be really hard to move back or to another country and to adjust to a new place.”