Towards the end of the semester, right before Christmas break, high school students may be subjected to take a final in their classes. It can be very stressful for students to study and remember everything learn from that previous semester.
“Finals are important because how much information a student has learned throughout the past semesters especially a comprehensive final,” Stephanie Esponiza, English teacher, said. “Because it would be transferring to there long term memory and it’s just very important that they learn this stuff so they will know what to do even though they think that you won’t need it in life”
The purpose of the test is to see how much information student obtained during class. A final is technically just a greater form of a ‘unit test’. A unit test is given at the end of each unit.
“I study for test by using old notes, homework assignments, and the review the teacher gives us,” Maya Christensen, 9, said. “I’m scared for finals and it will probably be hard but I can just study for it and I will be fine”
Teachers encourage students to not only review note or assignments given throughout the semester but to look over quizzes and tests as well.
“I feel like students shouldn’t just review notes and the sheet they are given,” Mark Bradshaw, english, said. “They should quiz themselves on everything and what they don’t know look over at home.”
Students in Michelle Harrod’s class make math posters for review day before finals. The review day is to refresh students memories from previous lessons. Photo By G. Bowman