Star Wars VII breaks cinematic records
January 12, 2016

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about Star Wars: The Force Awakens and its record-breaking achievements. Opening on December 18, Star Wars made $740 million in 16 days. That’s not including the $100 million made in pre-sales. This beat Avatar, which took 72 days to reach that amount in sales.
By far, this is the highest grossing Star Wars and Disney film. It was also the highest grossing film for 2015, surpassing Jurassic World, Furious 7 and Avengers: Age of Ultron.
On opening day, the movie made $119.1 million in domestic box office sales; the opening weekend made a total of $247.96 million. As of January 6, 2016 the box office has made a grand total of $1.529 billion in sales which makes this the fastest film in history to reach a billion dollars in sales.
In October 2012, when the movie was first announced by Disney, there were many people who were shocked.
“I thought it [Disney] was going to be like they were gonna change the plot and stuff and they weren’t going to continue the actual episodes” freshman Hannah Ebaugh said. Disney bought the rights to the movie for $4.06 billion from Lucasfilm.
Filming didn’t start until April 2014. Senior Lucas Farney, said he wasn’t so sure about Disney making the next film until he found out J.J Abrams was the director.
“As production started going I was like, ‘OK this is going to be really good.’” Farney said.
The new movie has all of the original favorites, such as Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, plus new characters.
The release date of the DVD is still unannounced, but there is projected dates for the next two Episodes; VIII(8) May 26, 2017 and IX(9) 2019.