Students and teachers talk about their most hated Thanksgiving dishes

Lauryn McIntyre, Reporter

Thanksgiving is the holiday of giving thanks for what we have and, depending on your appetite, a time to fill yourself with as much food as you can eat on a Thursday afternoon. Yes, most of us enjoy every festive food item in this literal hunger game, but we all have that dish that makes us cringe. The food that you’d prefer to not touch anything thing else on your plate, the food that makes you wonder “Who would shove that down their throat?”

After a freak accident, Skeeter Rankins discovered his most hated Thanksgiving dish.

“Cranberry sauce is what got me to [eat beets],” Rankins said. “I thought [they were] cranberries, I was getting ready to grab them and put them on the plate. If you cut beets up and you cut cranberries up, one’s a little darker. It’s not completely perceptible just reaching, right? So I just put beets on the plate. Here I am thinking, ‘Okay, I’m gonna have something a little sweet maybe a little sour, but it’s cranberries. I can do that.’ It is the most disgusting thing. It’s like taking a tablespoon, putting it in dirtmaybe even a kitty litter boxand then just eating it. Nasty.”

Both Alison Klock and Jay Super hated stuffing, however, Super’s hatred for stuffing involves his Aunt’s cooking.

“Stuffing that’s made with oysters,” Super said. “My aunt has this old English recipe that’s got oysters in it. Disgusting. Stuffing with oysters, that’s a deal breaker right there.”

Ana Vo, sophomore, has had a vendetta with this holiday food for awhile now.

“[I hate] beans because they’re nasty. They’re nasty. [I’ve hated beets since] I first saw them.”


There is hate on the holiday of Thanksgiving. It regards something our body needs to live, something we think about everyday; our dear friend food.