Vinopal aims to help students with college choices
November 13, 2015

As the days start to go by, many get stressed and confused about what their future plans may be. Little do some know, Maize’s college advocate Kelsey Vinopal’s job is to help relieve that stress.
“My purpose here is to visit with students and discuss what their plans are after high school. Do a little bit more research for them about what classes they could take currently in high school and kind of prepare them for what they could do afterwards.” Vinopal said.
Vinopal’s job has began at the beginning of the school year.
“[I want students to know that] I’m here and to come and see me. I think that since this is such a brand new position and my office is new that it’s really kind of word of mouth to know that I’m here. I’m here to discuss and help them with their future,” Vinopal said.
Her job is not only to discuss students futures with them for college, but also plan activities and opportunities to learn more about the colleges they can choose from.
“I’m kind of a middle person for them between high school and a college if they have questions,” Vinopal said. “I organize the college field trips, I organize the reps coming in and just kind of a resource for the students. I love meeting with students. I think that’s the highlight of my day. When I leave for home, I process who I met with, and I think that’s my favorite part.”