Clark speaks to students about Academic Inegrity

Savie Hughes, Reporter

Maize graduate and Associate Director of Academic Integrity at University of Oklahoma Breea Clark is coming to Maize to speak to junior and seniors about academic integrity this Friday.

Juniors and seniors will be dismissed at 10:20 a.m. for an extended En-Cor.

Clark speaks to high school students and educators to try to better increase appreciation of integrity in school and everyday life. Last year, Clark came a spoke to Maize faculty about this issue.

“Our teachers after she spoke said ‘why wait until they get to college to hear this message? Let’s bring her in and talk to students next time,’” Botts said.

Botts and faculty are also using her speech to help start an integrity policy for students at Maize.  

“I personally hope that the students truly listen to what she is saying,” Botts said. “I truly think that they are doing a disservice to themselves by cutting their education short.”