Lit mag has been discontinued as a class and will now be an extracurricular activity such as a club.
The reason for this change isn’t because of budget cuts, rather that not enough students signed up to take the class next year.
English teacher Sherry Pfeifer, the sponsor for Lit Mag, volunteered to still be a sponsor of next year’s club.
“Obviously it will have an effect on it and that it is not offered as a class where students can spend quality classroom time producing it,” Pfeifer said. “Now we have to rely on the commitment of volunteers… But I think the passion of my staff members is pretty strong for their product and I think that their commitment to evenings, despite the fact that there is nothing that is making them accountable is proof that they will make it successful.”
Students who are going out for sports will have opportunities to be a part of the staff a couple times a week where they can help collect and design pages.