In the first few days back to school, many students and staff have noticed changes that have taken place in the school cafeteria. These changes include the addition of diet soda, alterations to al a carte and the limit on ketchup and mustard.
The sale of diet soda was approved by the U.S Department of Agriculture’s Healthy Hunger-Free act.
“The kids love it [the soda] . . . we’re not selling as much Powerade and other stuff,” kitchen manager, Kim Stuckey said.
New sodium and fat regulations have led to alterations in the al a carte food. Examples of affected foods include nachos, pretzels and cheese, hot dogs and cookies. There is no longer cheese served with the pretzels, hot dogs are unavailable and the cookie recipe has changed. Another significant change is the limit put on ketchup and mustard, because of problems with students misusing them; another reason is due to sodium regulations.
“I don’t see a reason why they are taking away our ketchup, because the school taking away our salt shakers should have been enough, so to cope I’m bringing a bottle of ketchup,” junior Brett Young said.