School auditions for the fall play, Kindertransport by Diane Samuels, took place Aug. 31 in the auditorium.
With a passion of performing, Mike Dunham, 11, auditioned for the six-part cast.
“It is fun to get up and do something you work a lot for,” Dunham said.
The play focuses on 10,000 Jewish children who escape from the Nazis in Germany to Britain. It follows the life of Evelyn, from her escape at the age of nine to her adult life.
Emi Kniffin, 11, auditioned for all the characters she could, leaving it to Wesley Rice, director, to decide which suited her best.
“I like people watching me,” Kniffin said. “It is fun to be someone else for a while.”
The cast is posted outside Rice’s classroom, A101. Tickets will cost four dollars with a student ID and six dollars without. The play will be performed at South on Nov. 11-12.