Getting gains with Grace
Grace Rubio started lifting in August 2020 and looks forward to lifting meets in January to showcase her strength improvements over the last two years.
Grace Rubio deadlifts over 300 pounds at the Northwest YMCA on Tuesday, Dec. 13. Her other leg lifts include squats, leg press, leg extensions and stretches before and after her workouts.
December 14, 2022
Grace Rubio has only one month to get ready for her first powerlifting season. To prepare, she’s working out daily, taking supplements to improve her gains and eats tons of protein snacks every chance she can.
Rubio started lifting in August 2020. At first she didn’t know what she was doing but was wanting to see some type of results with her strength and her appearance.
After almost eight months training chest three times a week to hit her greatest accomplishment was being able to hit a plate on bench press.
“Hitting 135 pounds was something I’d been working so hard on towards for months. Hitting chest three times a week,” said Rubio.
Rubio improved her squats by doing them twice a week and lifting heavy weights to get progress with her lower body strength.
“My favorite lift has to be squat just because it’s something that was easily one of my strongest compounds. It comes to me easily, not sure if it’s genetics,” said Rubio.
Rubio takes many kinds of supplements and vitamins to help her to be an overall better powerlifter. She not only feels better physically, but the supplements help her mind focus when she’s lifting.
“The supplements I take are creatine and sometimes BCAAs if I’m feeling low on energy. The supplements more on the vitamin side would be ashwagandha, vitamin c, vitamin d, and fish oil,” said Rubio.

Rubio’s PR’s (personal records) that she carries are 305 pounds on squat, deadlift 315 pounds, hang cleaning 165 pounds, and hitting right at 140 pounds on bench. To meet the future weight goals, she plans on training heavy with low reps and high weight workouts.
“My goals number wise have to start with a 315 squat, 350 deadlift, 185 on hang clean, and at least 155 on bench press,” said Rubio.
Junior Lily Cortez lifts with Rubio at the YMCA frequently. Cortez encourages Rubio in her workouts for the powerlifting season coming up in January.
She enjoys lifting with Rubio, and thinks that Rubio is very encouraging and pushes her to improve and get better during her own workouts.
“Lifting with Grace is so much fun, I always enjoy every minute of it she always pushes me to do better and I love that she is very encouraging,” said Cortez.
Cortez thinks that Rubio’s work ethic is amazing. Every lifter has a day or two a week they don’t want to see the gym, but Rubio is able to motivate herself to go even when she’s tired or doesn’t feel like it.
“She has an amazing work ethic. She’s always working so hard and never giving up. She always pushes herself and others. Also on the harder days when she doesn’t feel like going, she goes anyways and pushes through it,” said Cortez.
Cortez believes that lifting has changed Rubio into being more confident and determined. She believes Rubio will make an immediate impact on the powerlifting team.
“I think lifting has changed her into being more dedicated to something and making her work ethic better. It’s also helped her determination and confidence,” said Cortez.