Maize will be presenting the play “To Gillian on her 37th birthday” from the American romantic drama film.
The production is about characters David and his daughter Rachel, and how they cope with the death of wife and mother, Gillian.
This play will be performed March 6, 7, and 8 at 7:30.
The play will consist of seven cast members. The cast list and their characters are as follows: David will be played by senior Daniel Reep, Rachel will be played by junior Rachel Brand, Gillian will be played by senior Jessica Curtiss, Esther will be played by senior Lauren Debes, Paul will be played by junior Nick Wynn, Cindi will be played by sophomore Alli Pieschl and senior Lauren Spencer will be playing Kevin.
Due to a smaller cast, the play will be held in the studio theatre which is located in room C13.
That room can hold about 60 to 70 people, therefore seating is limited. Those who want to attend must get their tickets ahead of time. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased by drama teacher Kathleen Barbara or from any of the cast members.