OneMaize Media journalists win numerous awards at KSPA regional contest
The OneMaize Media team scores 33 winning entries in the 2022 KSPA regionals contest.
Videographers Sydney Lampkin and Stahley Sears work on editing one of their OneMaize videos for Episode 5. Their story, Coffee for a cause, won a Best of SNO for one of the top videos in the country.
March 16, 2022
On March 5th, OneMaize Media won a total of 33 awards from the KSPA(Kansas Scholastic Press Association) regional contest and will move on to the KSPA state competition in April.
Out of 48 total entries, 33 placed in regionals.
For the first time, the Maize District competed in the 6A regional competition. Before this year, both Maize High and Maize South High competed in the 5A competition individually.
“I think we had good writers, videographers, designers. I think what we’re trying to show now is like all these individual kids that are so talented,” said Converged Media adviser Spencer O’Daniel. “I think we’ve seen some great things happen so far this year. We’re still trying to learn how all the pieces come together.”
Nathan Wituk is one of many placers at KSPA regionals, placing first in infographics and third in Headline Writing.
“I was pretty proud of myself for doing it, especially considering this is my first time that I did it,” said Wituk. ”I feel more proud of the infographic because I feel like I knew what I was doing more so than the headline writing.”
Along with the Wituks winnings, Sydney Lampkin, Stanley Sears, and Sarah Conner had a news story place grab a 1st place finish.
Several contest entrants will move on to the KSPA state competition where they will compete with journalism teams from the top high schools in Kansas.
“When you have 33 entries going to state, you have a great chance to get first, second or third,“ said O’Daniel. ”I want our kids to have success at state and win awards, just like we did regionals.”