Q&A: featuring French Club sponsor Mrs. Kerr
Jennifer Kerr, French Club sponsor, shares a funny moment with her French II class in the commons area.
October 4, 2019
Q: How are you involved in the parade?
A: I am the French club sponsor and am driving a truck in the parade.
Q: What preparations have you done to get ready for the parade?
A: We have done very little preparations for the parade as i have everything saved from last year.
Q: What is your opinion on the parade?
A: I think the parade is a fun tradition for our school.
Q: Do you have any traditions for the parade?
A: My traditions are that we wear berets, carry baguettes, and look like stereotypical French people. We also bring French music to play!
Q: In your opinion do you feel involvement in the parade from every club is important?
A: I think the parade should involve our entire student body! We should all be proud to be a part of something at our school.
Q: Why should more clubs or groups participate?
A: More clubs should participate to showcase our wonderful school!
Q: Why is it important for the parade to happen?
A: The parade is important to promote school spirit.
Q: What would be your thoughts on one combined USD 266 parade between both high schools?
A: I don’t think combining the parades is a good idea. This is for our campus.
Q: Do you feel it hurts learning or classroom participation to do an event like this during 4th Block instead of after school or a Saturday?
A: I don’t think it hurts learning to do this during 4th block because it’s on a Friday, the day of homecoming, and our students are pretty excited anyway.
Q: Why is having the parade on a Friday 4th Hour the best time for our school?
A: Again, the students are ready for a break and it’s pretty hard to get them focused in class, so we might as well do something fun!