by Collin Kasitz
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) have been selling lime green bracelets, sporting the phrase MAV SUPERHERO. SADD originally order 200 bracelets and they have only sold 30, so club members have started a serious marketing campaign.
“We are really making a marketing push to sell all of the remaining bracelets,” SADD treasurer Taylor Mitchell, 12, said.
They have been selling bracelets for approximately two weeks at lunch or before school for $2.00. The bracelets they don’t sell will go to sell in the school store, which should open next week.
To buy a bracelet students and staff have to sign a pledge that states they will not text and drive. The bracelet is to remind students and staff that if they text and drive there will be consequences.
“I feel like the bracelets are a stylish way to remind people to avoid making destructive decisions,” Mitchell said. “You don’t have to drive or even have a phone to participate in buying a bracelet.”