Multicultural Club hosts Letters of Difference Campaign

South High will determine the location of the mural.
February 9, 2021
The Maize Multicultural Club is collaborating with South High’s Multicultural Leadership Association for the Letters of Difference Campaign. The clubs are inviting all racial minorities to write letters about their experiences as a minority and what they’ve overcome. The club accepted letters from Jan. 18 through Feb. 8.
The letters will be combined in a giant collage. The location of the mural is to be decided by South High.
“The Letters of Difference Campaign is a way for minorities to express themselves,” sophomore and co-director of the Multicultural Club Lesly Hernandez said. “This is an awesome way to shine light on the voices that are often muffled within our own community.”
The Multicultural Club focuses on promoting cultural diversity and providing a safe space for all. The Letters of Difference Campaign is one way for the club to educate students on various cultural issues.
“By using your voice, you are making people aware of how impactful words and actions can be,” Hernandez said. “By speaking up as a group, we can take one step closer to reaching that goal of unity and belonging for everyone.”
The Multicultural Club has been looking for ways to rebrand this school year, so Hernandez jumped at the opportunity to collaborate with South High’s Multicultural Leadership Association.
“The South High School Multicultural Leadership Association is a fairly new club that sparked my interest,” Hernandez said. “Collaborating with South High School is the perfect way to begin that journey of rebranding.”
South High junior Carlos Sosa, co-director of South High’s Multicultural Leadership Association, wanted to expand the Multicultural Leadership Association’s strong message.
“We were happy to branch out and get more young minds involved,” Sosa said.
The Multicultural Club is open to all minorities or allies looking to learn more about different cultures. To get involved, follow @maizemulticultural and @shsmcla club on Instagram.
“Many cultures go unrepresented,” Sosa said. “We believe that each and every voice deserves to be heard.”