Art classes go remote
November 22, 2020

With classes going full remote, teachers and students have had to find creative ways to do performance based classes such as choir, band, orchestra and art classes in an online environment.
Sophomore Brooklin Blake is taking ceramics while being on full remote schedule and says she gets distracted easily.
“I get distracted more,” Blake said. “And my cat tries to sit on my projects.”
Almost everyone has an opinion on whether they like hybrid or remote better, and Blake is no different.
“I miss talking and hanging out with my friends,” she said.
With the difficulties of remote, Blake says she sets up times to keep herself more organized.
“I set up times for when I’m supposed to work and what I’m supposed to get done,” she said.
Blake is currently working on her latest project while being full remote. The change has been difficult for performance classes like ceramics.
“I’m making 8 slabs of clay that are going to have a picture carved into them,” she said.
Sophomore Madison Baker is taking women’s choir and also said the change to full remote was difficult.
“Going fully remote has been more difficult because we all don’t get to sing in class together,” Baker said.
But choir director Doris Prater has done a great job at teaching during full remote and making the change easier according to Baker.
“Mrs. Prater has done a great job at making the best out of this crazy situation,” she said.
Even though full remote has been a new experience for everyone, Baker says her favorite part about being in choir can still remain the same while in an online environment.
“My favorite part about this class is getting to explore and sing all different types of music,” she said.
Baker encourages many students to join choir because of the learning experience and the people you meet.
“Mrs. Prater will teach you so many important things about music and singing,” she said. “You also meet new people and make lots of new friends.”