KAY Club helps host Red Cross virtual blood drive

KAY club helps host Red Cross virtual blood drive. The closest date is Oct. 9 at Pathway Church.

Lily Robison, Social Media Editor

Although KAY club is not able to hold the blood drive at school due to COVID-19, they are still committed to help. This fall, Maize High School is hosting a Red Cross virtual blood drive.

To donate blood through the American Red Cross, click on the link and fill out all of the information. It will ask for a zip code and one can pick whichever location, date and time in the next month that works best.

“When a person gets our promotional version of the link, it tracks it,” KAY club sponsor Darcie Lowry said. “When that person signs up and donates blood, we get credit for that.”

Donors who are under 17 but at least 16 years old can participate by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment and confirming with dlowry@usd266.com once scheduled.

There are 3-4 dates available this month KAY club can still get credit for. The closest date is Oct. 9 at Pathway Church. If students are unable to donate blood within the dates available through the link, they can always check out other available dates on the American Red Cross website.