Column: Corona just ruined my senior golf season
October 2, 2020

Editors note: Thanks to the support of many, my teammate and I were able to participate in regionals and qualify for state.
Oct. 2, 2020
Allow me to set the scene:
Just like any normal day in 2020, I wake up, eat, get ready for school and then put on my mask. I then drag myself into my first block, trying not to fall asleep.
After a long two blocks, I exit my class getting ready to go to En-Cor. But I hear a small voice behind me calling my name.
I turn around to see a nurse, in full PPE, striding toward me. Plastic poncho, goggles, face mask and all. My heart then sinks when I remember hearing about a girl who tested positive this morning. A girl I sit next to during class and lunch.
I stop in my tracks and let the nurse approach me. She confirms my name and then proceeds to tell me I need to leave school. I have come into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
I exited through the front doors, immediately calling my mom. I have a lot running through my head. My first thought is that I need a test. Surely if it comes back negative I can return to school and continue my senior golf season.
Unfortunately, that was not what happened.
After returning home, I frantically called my dad to see if we could drive out to rapid testing with my friend and teammate Lexie Ridder to get tested. And to hopefully play in the league tournament this coming Tuesday.
I load up with my dad and we leave to pick her up and prepare to drive two hours to Neodesha.
As we are about to leave her driveway, we get a call from my mom, who has been in contact with principal Chris Botts. She confirmed what we were afraid of.
¨I am so, so sorry girls. The tests won’t help,¨
Even if we tested negative, we would still have to quarantine for two weeks. This would prevent us from not only playing in league, but also regionals. And if we can’t play in regionals, then we can’t qualify for state.
I look back at Lexie, one of my closest friends and teammates, and we both look away to hold back tears.
Our senior season is gone. Just like that. We had worked so hard and fought the whole season to be the best we could. We were doing great.
We go inside and cry, talking about all that could’ve been. Not only the rest of our season, but both of our 18th birthdays are also next week. Back to back days.
We couldn’t comprehend it. How could we not play, even if we get tested negative? After a long bit of crying, I head home. Spoiler alert: The tears didn’t stop when I got home.
I am writing this out of confusion and sadness. Coronavirus was supposed to be a small blip in our lives. A few weeks and then it would be over. But here I am, sitting in bed during my senior year, looking for answers.
After losing my junior swim season, I prayed it would be over. I hoped that no one would have to go through losing their season again. Because for a student athlete, the worst words you can hear are ¨it’s over.¨ Especially as a senior.
I’m hoping to play in college, but something about not finishing out my senior season with my best friends just doesn’t feel real to me yet.
After coming to terms with all that has happened today, all that’s left to do is lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. The same ceiling I will be looking at for two weeks.
Coruscating Russell • Oct 3, 2020 at 5:00 pm
Brooklyn & Lexi!!! My heart hurts for you two! Brooklyn that was nicely written!!! I am proud of you for sharing your feelings in such a eloquent way. Every season of our lives…good or bad prepares, us for the next season whether it’s good or bad!! What we learn through every experience will be how we handle the next experience! So proud of you!!! Covid sucks and I’m sorry you are missing out on so much! Keep your head held high!!!! Miss you both!
Marilyn Sprowls • Oct 3, 2020 at 10:47 am
Brooklyn, I’m so sorry! It’s such an unfair and devastating situation for both you and Lexie. Wish I could say something to make it better
Mitch Waggoner • Oct 2, 2020 at 11:39 pm
So well written Brooklyn! I’m devastated to hear this and I loved the way you spoke your mind. I’ll be praying for you guys
Sandy Begnoche • Oct 2, 2020 at 9:03 pm
Brooklyn I am so sorry you and Lexie (my neice) are going through this. It’s a very sad situation and I will keep both of you in my prayers. I appreciate you sharing you very well written thoughts and feelings.
Wishing you well.