Annual Race Run2Believe approaching
March 12, 2020

The annual Run2Believe race will take place on March 21.
Update, March 13: This event has been cancelled due to concerns of the Coronavirus.
Run2Believe is an annual run/walk 5k that memorializes the deaths of two Maize graduates killed by a drunk driver.
“The Run2Believe was created to honor the lives of Kyle Thornburg and Kylie Jobe, who were high school sweethearts that were killed by a drunk driver,” Kyle’s mother Robin Thornburg said.
Thornburg said she hopes that the events bring awareness to the dangers of drunk driving.
“We are trying to raise awareness, not only for the Maize Community, but everywhere in hopes that anyone who makes the decision to drink and drive stops to think about the consciences their actions will have on others,” Thornburg said.
This year’s race will take place on March 21, Thornburg and many others have been working hard to prepare for the event.
“[We’ve been] contacting sponsors for continued or new support, updating website information, creating printed materials such as posters and brochures, and determining number of shirts to order and get updated or a new design,” Thornburg said. “A lot of little things all combined for the one-day event.¨
The Run2Believe staff hopes to lessen the amount of deaths not only by car accidents but specifically drunk driving.
“The driver entered Interstate I-70 going the wrong direction and hit Kyle and Kylie’s vehicle head on,” she said. “The driver had a blood alcohol level of 0.23 – over 3 times the legal limit. All three people were killed.¨
Thornburg says she hopes that the events bring awareness to the dangers of drunk driving.
“We are trying to raise awareness, not only for the Maize Community, but everywhere in hopes that anyone who makes the decision to drink and drive stops to think about the consciences their actions will have on others,” Thornburg said.