Apply Kansas job helps students apply for college
Apply Kansas day is Oct. 3. The event will be happening in the commons during 1st and 2nd block
October 2, 2019
In 2016, around 69.7% of people ages 16 to 24 applied for colleges. Most jobs today require some form of college degree to achieve success. There are many ways that you can sign up for a college, and it can be a scary thing for some students that are nearing graduation or young adults. That is where KACRAO (better known as Apply Kansas) comes into play.
“The first step in going to college is to apply!” Apply Kansas said on their website.
Apply Kansas’ goal is to help students that live in Kansas plan and apply for college.
“Apply Kansas is to get seniors to realize that you need to start college applications,” Maize college and career advocate Diane Close said.
Close said she believes that there’s always an opportunity to start planning for college as long as students are taking the right classes during high school.
“No matter if you’re a freshman or a senior, it’s never to late”. Close said.
Many students in high school have trouble balancing their time or trying to figure out what they want to do as a career and get started in the application process.
“The main, one thing that I hear the most is because I don’t know what I want to do,” Close said. “And that’s fine.”
Close hopes that with help from Apply Kansas, enrolling and applying for college won’t be that scary for students and just another step for them.
“It’s just … another step once you graduate from high school to the big unknown,” she said. “It’s really not scary, It’s very easy to do.”