Musicians and ensembles perform at contests, receive top ratings
April 11, 2019

Maize was represented by Junior Misses, Madrigals, orchestra, band and multiple soloists and ensembles last weekend for musical contests at North High. Both vocal groups, Madrigals and Junior Misses, received one ratings, along with multiple soloists. For orchestra, the danzas string quartet and lower string trio also received one ratings. Junior Misses performed two songs, “And Nature Smiled” by Allen Koepke, and “Climb the Highest Hill.”
“I think it was a good song selection,” junior Julianna Dupree said. “It showcased that we can do the easy stuff, but we can also do the harder stuff.”
Contests can a nerve-wracking experience, especially for a young choir singing hard selections, but Junior Misses worked hard to prepare for the performance to make sure there were no mistakes.
“I think that she [Doris Prater] did really great at task managing and just doing that for us,” Dupree said.
Madrigals and many other singers received one ratings, making last weekend very successful for Maize.
Among one rated soloists was vocal music director Doris Prater’s daughter, sophomore Melody Prater. Not only did she perform two oboe solos, but Prater also sang two solo songs for her competition. She also performed with Madrigals and select ensembles.
“For my two voice pieces, I really really enjoyed those because Vid Mung is a really pretty slow lyrical piece and Fair Robin I Love is this fun, flirty, really fun-oriented thing,” Melody said.
Wednesday, women’s choir and select represented Maize’s vocal program by performing two songs each at East High for contests. Both groups received one ratings. Orchestra’s large ensemble also received a superior rating at contests, bringing a group that was made up of 50% freshmen. Finally, band brought a large ensemble and received a two rating from judges.