MCA anatomy class taking field trip to KU spinal lab
November 29, 2018

The Maize Career Academy offers an Anatomy class taught by Sheena Shoemaker. The class will be taking a trip to Kansas University to their Spinal lab on Monday, December 3.
“I am excited to go on the trip because I have been wanting to go to KU since I was a little girl.” junior Ashley Valdez said. “I am hoping to get a glance into what the medical study is like there because I want to be a surgeon when I am older.”
The students will see Elizabeth Friis, a doctor at KU, talk about her spinal fusion techniques and bone growth simulator that is waiting FDA approval. The students will be able to see the spinals labs at KU and talk to Friis about her experiences and research in the medical field.
“We are seeing a cadaver lab which will be really interesting to see what they do and how it all works.” senior Catherine Erickson said. “This is a great opportunity for me because I will be able to experience somewhat of what I want to do for a career.”
This trip is a great opportunity for many who are interested in the medical field. Shoemaker will be taking 55 kids to experience the KU spinal lab to visit with Fiis.
“It’s an incredible opportunity for these students who are interested in the bio-engineering field.” Shoemaker said.