Photo submitted by John Anderson
Since the start of Character in Action students have implemented valuable character traits by participating in community service projects, completing 175 service hours out of the 8,000 goal.
The goal for each class is to complete a total of five hours by the end of the school year.
“It was difficult as an administrator trying to get different organizations to come up with Character Ed,” assistant principal Beth Schmidt said. “They came up with the idea of Character in Action and felt it was a much more powerful way to actually do those 10 traits.”
Elizabeth Graber’s class took the lead with 45 hours of community service. Debra Cox’s class completed 18 hours and Suzanne McKaig’s class completed 16 hours.
“It’s something the teachers can get involved in with the students. In kindergarten you start learning about those different values and we’ve defined them enough for you,” committe member Jenny Meirowsky said. “It’s time to do something about it and put it into action. I think that’s way more powerful than a powerpoint.”