Maize Cheer helps fundraise with Kansas Honor Flight
August 24, 2017

Maize cheer team poses for a group photo. This year the team is the largest it’s been in at least four years.
From Vietnam to Afghanistan, US veterans have fought all over the world to protect our families. Now the Maize High cheer squad has teamed up with Kansas Honor Flight to repay all our veterans with a paid trip to their war memorials in Washington D.C.
Kansas Honor Flight is an organization that gains funds by collecting aluminum cans to send Kansas veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit the War memorial built in their honor by a grateful nation.
Senior cheer co-captain Karli Baker has great ambitions for the drive, “Our goal as a team is to collect as many cans as possible to send our veterans to D.C. to see their memorial” said Baker, “the cans we collect will be turned into the recycling plant for a check that will go straight to Kansas Honor Flight.”
After they receive the check, the Kansas Honor Flight puts it toward funding the trip.
While the Veterans are in D.C., they won’t have to worry about spending any money. Kansas Honor Flight has offered to pay for the entire trip for the veteran while they’re seeing the memorial.
When the veterans are welcomed home, they are greeted by loving family members and other current soldiers.
“It’s completely quiet and then the veterans come onto the field with a folded US flag to represent the soldiers we’ve lost at war”, said senior cheer co-captain Karsyn Buzzard, “It’s just an indescribable moment to be apart of.”
The cheer team will be holding the can drive at the first home football game, September 8.