Chris Botts lives a day in the life of a student


Botts story
Principal Chris Botts learns about chemical reaction in Francis Houseman’s 4th block chemistry class. Photo by Lizzie Bell

You go day after day with the same routine, the same classes, and the same teachers. You have become accustomed to this by now. Then the principal walks in and takes a seat just like all the rest of the students walking through the door.

On Thursday, principal Chris Botts did a day-in-the-life of junior Destiny Meeks, and peeked into the life of a student.

“I had family studies with Ms. Manns block one,” Botts said. “Then I had US history with Ms. Wolgast block two. En-Cor was with Ms. Tarrant, but we had a sub today. And then I had weights with Mr. Lungwitz, but he was gone too, so we had a sub in there also. Now, Mrs. Houseman for chemistry,” Botts said.

This all came from a challenge he received from a friend. There are administrators from other schools participating as well.

“I wanted to do it because I always challenged administration to say don’t forget what it was like to be a teacher, and I want teachers to remember what it was like to be a student,” Botts said.

This helps him see what students really do throughout the day and leads him to think about what can be done to make learning more fun.

“Just doing a little bit of personal research to figure out what’s it’s like,” Botts said. “To remember and provide feedback to teachers and [not] forget that this kid could have just come from a test for 83 minutes. Get them up get them moving try to do some things to make learning fun.”

He would really like the rest of administration to get involved and experience the same thing he did that day.