Senior Akim Richards has been accepted into Stanford, Georgetown and internationally renowned Ivy league schools Harvard and Yale.
Richards had a motto when he applied to some of the nation’s most prestigious colleges at the beginning of the school year: hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Throughout his high school career, you could find him in and out of AP and honors classes or in expanded learning. Although taking such advanced level classes helped his GPA and further his education, Richards thinks that his admissions essay is what set him apart.
“The essay you write is one the most valuable and weighted aspects of the application process,” Richards said.
Richards says colleges look for personal essays so they can get to know potential students, the more personal the better.
“It’s pretty relieving that all of my applications are done, it was a lot of suspense waiting to see if I was accepted,” Richards said. “I’m glad I didn’t have to get any college rejection letters this year.”
Initially, Richards and his parents had their hearts set on Harvard; however, he admits once he got accepted into Stanford his decision wasn’t so easy.
“I got into Stanford, which is in Calif., so that would be really nice,” Richards said.
At the end of the month, he plans to take his official visit to Harvard and has yet to schedule any other official visits.
Keeping his options open, Richards is waiting to see what scholarships he will be awarded to determine where he goes. Currently Harvard is the only school that has awarded him a scholarship.
“Right now I’m just waiting to see what the other schools will give me because that’s probably what its going to come down to,” Richards said.