Aaron Ake Mr. Super because he’s awesome.
Erin Alligier Mrs. Brown and Mr. Walker both were there to listen to me when I needed someone to talk to.
Claire, Beard Stan Bergkamp because he taught me even the hardest classes can be fun!
Olivia Baalman John Anderson. I couldn’t be more thankful for having him as my tennis coach. Anderson always gave me the hardest time on the court, but he bought us McDonald’s after tournaments, so he’s the best. He truly is an educator on and off the court. Anderson is a teacher that really cares about what’s going on in your life, and he takes the time to help you in whatever way you can!
Kyle Baldwin Mrs. Kerbs. She has had an impact on me because she has kept me focused and grounded during my time at Maize High School. When I wanted to slack off, I got a pep talk. She also gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about leadership and what I would like to do for the rest of my life.
Calum Battaglia One single is not a decision I could make, there are many great teachers here.
Bele Bernard Dan Minaj Loving. Whenever I felt like I wasn’t capable, he was there to remind me that I was. He never let me doubt myself, and if it weren’t for him I probably wouldn’t be going to college for art.
Nick Benford Mrs.Kerbs
Diana Bennet Mrs. Kerbs, she is a great teacher. She’s positive and understanding! She’s one of the few teachers I can say I love at this school and know that I can go talk to her about anything.
Austin Binder My 5th grade teacher, Mr. Finn. He had a way of making everything interesting, and was just overall a fun teacher. He loved sports just like me, and we always got along.
Johnathon Bloodworth Mrs. Graber, she is so inspiring.
Rachel Bosely Mrs. Prater has definitely had the most positive profound impact on me. Not only has she inspired me musically, but she has taught me that I can accomplish anything with dedication and a positive attitude.
Jacob Bothell John Albin, he is willing to work together with students to achieve a goal.
Brock Jacklynn Ms. Snyder, because she was the best EnCor teacher in the world.
Jordan Burlie Albin, because he gives students good life lessons.
Sara Calvert Mrs. Borrego. She has made English so enjoyable for me and taught me so much about how to be a better writer. Mr. Bergkamp. “Woah woah, stop the bus.” “Let’s say, let’s say” I don’t particularly enjoy physics, but Mr. Bergkamp is the best physics teacher there is! He makes me laugh every single day and actually makes physics fun! I know what he would say, “you lie, you lie” but no, my high school experience would not be complete if I had not experienced Bergkamp’s class for myself. Stan is the man!
Cody Campell Dan Loving. He gave me a chance to be in the Newsmag class and let me try out maybe my future job of sports journalism and see what it’s like to be a journalist. Thanks Dan!
Dagny Castelli Mr. Bergkamp. Berg is the best teacher I’ve ever had. He made Physics fun and exciting and made me try really hard. I wish I could take him with me to college. We’re BFFs.
Sage Chaffin Coach Rankins. He really taught me to push myself and not just coast through high school. Up until his class, AP U.S. History, I kinda just scooted along and often used other people’s answers to finish my homework but I discovered that this only hurt me. In the long run cheating is never worth it and you’ll discover that actually doing your homework will get you much better grades on tests. We are very lucky to have teachers like Coach Rankins that actually push their students and see the potential we have.
Aaron Chansombath Mr. Pierce because he has coached and taught me so much in the past few years of my life.
Alyssa Cole Mrs. Prater had had the most positive profound impact on me because while she has definitely helped me to grow as a singer, she has also taught me to work hard and to look out for other people and put their needs above my own. Mrs. Prater consistently encourages her students to strive for excellence and to grow into responsible, respectful adults.
Kevin Combs Mr. Rankins, great person who made learning enjoyable.
Emily Cork Bergkamp, cause he’s da bombdotcom.
Rachel Corr Mr. Roulhac because when I was having trouble figuring out what I wanted to be, he told me not to worry about what anyone else says and to follow my dreams. This really helped because for a while I wanted to be a teacher, and I didn’t have a lot of support, but he talked to me about it and made me feel a lot more confident in myself and my ability to make my own decisions.
Jessica Curtiss Kathleen Barbara, of course. I received so many opportunities through this woman. From stage directions to life lessons, I’ve learned more than I ever imagined. Even the help that seemed so small at the time, like staying late to finish set work– means so much. I mean, how many teachers dedicate their free time to putting together four productions throughout the school year? Whenever I was doubting myself and telling myself I couldn’t face the task at hand, she was there telling me I could. I can’t thank a high school teacher enough for that.
Ashytn Dalal B-Money (Bergkamp) Because he made physics honors enjoyable and overall is a great teacher.
Hadley Davis Mrs. Schantz because she taught me responsibility with my school work.
Kiowa DeBerry Mr. Rankins, he made me realize how much I like American history.
Lauren Debes Mr. Frye. He is a major inspiration to me and has pushed me to be my best. And also Mr. Bernard. He’s an amazing teacher who truly cares about his students. ALSO Ms. Barbara because she’s the bomb and has taught me so much. Plus we both practically live in this high school thanks to all the shows.
Kaitlyn Delinger Mrs. Sauer, I have had her for my Early Childhood Development classes for the last three years. We have become super close and I can trust her with anything. The classes she teaches are you regular English classes, these are more personal classes. I love it! Mr. Watkins, he’s my encore teacher, but he cares about me and is very supportive. He has kept me on track these last four years, and that’s just what I needed!
Adam Denton I am split between Mrs. Hogan and Mr. Super. They are both great people that are a true inspiration to me.
Laken Downes Mr. Albin.
Addie Driskill Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Sauer. Mrs. Poole always adopted me when I got kicked out of a class (which happened more often than I am cool with). She is very loving and very understanding and has been an incredibly positive influence in a lot of my life decisions. Mrs. Sauer is just flat out great, she doesn’t judge you and she actually listens to you. She’s hard on you but it’s because she knows what you’re capable of and wants you to go beyond that. Mrs. Sauer doesn’t treat you like a lesser student, she treats you like an equal, and that can be really hard to find in a teacher/mentor.
Lauren Dunbar Mr. Shephard, he has put so much time and effort to make sure that I succeeded and did well no matter what.
Alexis Durano A lot of my teachers impacted me in a positive way, but Mrs. Schantz’s incredible strength as a person inspired me to push through my depression at a rather miserable time in my life. You would never guess just how tough she is unless you learned what she has endured; I want to be as strong as her when I am older.
Alec Edmisten Mr.Roulac. I was his TA and I had him for a teacher in two classes and I felt like I could tell him anything and I learned a lot.
Zach Edwards Mrs. Schantz made me love writing. Mrs. Moser made me love learning. Mr. Albin made school fun. Mrs. Janssen is the best art teacher.
Connor Eleeson Mrs. Mierowski, she is always positive.
Taelyn Entriken Brad Hornung, he makes everything fun and has made me a better person and golfer.
Trevor Farney Skeeter Rankins, he challenged me to think for myself and read before I act.
Amber Fisher A lot of teachers impacted me and made a difference in my life. Mrs. Johnson the most, without her I wouldn’t know where I’d be or what to do. She helped me to be the person I am today and have the confidence to face my dreams. She inspired me in a way no ever has.
Patricia Frazier Mrs. Fisher, she’s my En-Cor teacher and I’ve seen her every day for the past four years.
Alli Freese Mr. Bergkamp, he is a great teacher and I have learned so much from him.
Daniel Funk Mr. Rankins, he is a really great teacher who makes learning fun.
Amanda Gill Mrs. Debes, she has been a teacher of mine for two out of the three years I’ve been at Maize, and she has helped me with a lot of personal issues, and she has helped me grow as a person.
Vanessa Gonzales I can’t explain how much I will miss Mrs. Borrego. She helped me with my scholarship essays, and I pranked her with chocolate-covered cotton balls in return! I hope everyone gets the chance to meet her–you just might not want to give her chocolate.
Jordan Grant Mr. Handy because being around him for four years on the basketball team he would always talk about being the best you can be and just having fun and never give up on anything.
Molly Green Mr. Harlow because he extended the due date of a really big project at the end of the semester and Mr. Rouhlac because he is a super cool guy. Also Penny Mac is one kick-butt BPA advisor!
Shelby Gross Mr. Kirk because he’s helped me explore and confirm my passion for music.
Haylee Hanna Mrs. Prater. She has taught me how to have confidence in my singing and how to perform with confidence. SHE’S AWESOME AND AMAZING!!!!
Gabby Harding Mr. Frye, I’d give him crap and he would give it right back.
Bailey Harris-Krueger Mr. Bernard had the biggest impact on my life. I went through German 4. The German kids one of my second family. In these four years, Herr B has taught me about life whether he realizes it or not and broke me out of my freshmen shell.
Colton Helm My father because he has been my role model my whole life.
Rachel Henderson Mr. Harlow because he’s supportive and encouraging when I was pregnant, and made me realize I want to be a lawyer/working in politics.
Elizabeth Herrington Mrs. Schantz has been my favorite teacher while at MHS. Before I had her, I was so scared to be in her class because I heard she is a stickler for the rules. However, Mrs. Schantz is the most caring teacher I have had, and she is a lot of fun to have as a teacher. She really invests in our lives and goes out of her way to make sure each student is okay.
Zach Heyer Mrs. Prater, because I love music and she helped me open my mind to more music styles. I was originally wanting to be a math or science teacher, but after thinking about it more I decided I wanted to do Vocal Music Education because of Mrs. Prater.
Austin Hill Pat Snyder, no matter what was going on she always had a positive outlook on things.
Hannah Hills Mrs. Schantz because she is an awesome English teacher and she made reading and English enjoyable.
Mikayla Hoffman Mrs. Nitcher has truly been an inspiration for me. She’s given me advice, listened to my problems, and motivated me to explore the languages of the world. She helped me fall in love with the beauty of people and culture- she gave me my future.
Cassie Hohstadt Mr. Loving made sure both my school life and home life was great.
Brady Hoover Coach Helm and Mr. Kern. I have known them for a while and they helped me when I transferred to Maize high.
Devon Horning Mr. Powell or Mrs. Pfeifer. They’re like family.
Jacob Horsch Coach Darrah because he can really relate to his students and he is a lot of fun to be around.
Taylor Hoshley Mrs. Janssen, she is a great listener and has a big heart.
Samantha Inman Well, there are actually many teachers…Mrs. Borrego for keeping the challenge up to write better and thus think more thoroughly and allowing me to enjoy the challenge. Mr. Walker for being an amazing Encor teacher and always asking how my dreams are working out forcing me to plan my goals and dreams…
Cynthia Jainarine Mr. Mercado has had the most positive impact on me, he’s such an upbeat and positive person. Plus he gives me the best advice and keeps it real with me.
Leah Jenlink Mrs. Elder because she taught Spanish so well that I feel prepared to start taking more classes and get a job where I speak Spanish.
Kavan Jobe Mrs. Manning and Coach Darrah. Mrs. Manning because she always encouraged me to do my best in whatever I was doing whether it be math or basketball or life. She’s been nothing but great to me. Coach Darrah because he always knows what he is talking about whether it’s sports or life. And most of all, even though he isn’t at the school anymore, my JV basketball coach my sophomore year, Martian Shetlar, he is and always will be the most positive impact on me.
Drew Johnson Coach Helm, because he’s my coach and he always knows what to say.
Marques Jozefowiez Stan Bergkemp, he taught me that Physics is the best subject to learn; all other subjects are inferior. All hail the units standpoint view of life.
Kinsey Keltz Mr. Bernard. He has always been there for me and is a great teacher.
Rachel Klausmeyer Two teachers have had a significant impact in my life. Mr. Frye has caused me to mentally correct people’s grammar but has also shown me a new way to interpret things. Mrs. Cox has inspired my creative side and given me a new way to express my individuality through my artwork.
Maddy Koehn Mr. Rankins. I just have a lot of respect for him. He’s super wise and easily connects with his students, regardless of their interests. He genuinely wants each of his students to succeed and will do whatever is in his control to ensure they will–which requires considerable time and effort. I think that students recognize his work ethic and are inclined to replicate it. While many of the teachers that I have had here have displayed these same characteristics, he definitely had the greatest impact.
Craig Lehman The teacher that has the most profound impact on me would have to be the one and only Mr. Kirk. During my ENTIRE career in high school, Mr. Kirk has been behind me all the way.
Camilia Lindblad Mrs. Mans (sewing teacher). When I had her last term she was always very happy and friendly. She made the sewing class a lot of fun.
Alexis Loudermilk Mrs. Mans made a positive impact on me by her sincere interest and compassion for her students. She wasn’t just a teacher but a counselor, friend, and mentor.
Ray Luc Bergkamp. He has inspired me to think about what I learn.
Paige Mans I have so much respect for Ms. Nitcher. She works ridiculously hard to make every day in her class fun and enjoyable. Her energy level is always through the roof, even first thing in the morning, not to mention her tolerance level is incredible. She inspires all of her students to experience the world. Ms. Nitcher reminds us that travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer, and for that lesson she has been my favorite teacher.
Kole McCorkendale Definitely Mr. Shephard. He’s been my debate and forensics coach for the past three years and has given me and the rest of the team great coaching both in and out of the debate spectrum and taught me a lot and not to take shit from anyone.
Mason McCreath Mr. Bergkamp, he was just my favorite teacher.
Kara McDaniel Mrs. Cox. She has helped me the most with my art and expressing myself through a clay medium.
Kendra Midcap Mr. Rankins and Mrs. McKaig. They both have helped me succeed in school and life. They both have given me great advice.
Jacob Miller MS. Nitcher, best teacher I’ve ever had.
Taylor MIlley Mr. Rankins because he constantly encourages me to be better.
Ghazal Moghaddami Mrs. Meirowsky. She helped me improve my math skills.
Luke Mohr Mr. Shephard has helped me evolve as a person. I was always introverted but his persistence in forcing me to be an effective public speaker has impacted my life greatly.
Cameron Molina Rankins, He has been my coach for 4 years and has taught me discipline and responsibility.
Gage Morgan Mrs.Kerbs, she was easy on the eyes on those mornings I didn’t want to be at school.
Rebecca Morse Mr. Kern, because he was the one who inspired me to become a welder and he gave me the confidence to become a welder.
Jessica Neisis Mr. Kirk. He really believes in us and never gives up and he really respects our time and devotion towards the band as a team.
Kaylor Neissen Coach Davis, because he let me help with the basketball team.
Todd Nelson For me, it’s between Mr. Rankins or Mr. Super. They both carry a profound knowledge of their craft and appl7 it to their respected classes in a way that engages a student’s passions. Mr. Rankins also has a great sense of humor and Mr. Super has a tasteful choice in music.
Ben Nguyen Harlow, because he makes me think of easy ways around the system.
Kelsey Nickell Mrs. Prater. I’ve had her all four years of high school and I have had no teacher that has pushed me to my limits and praise me for how hard I work just as much as she does. She’s really the greatest teacher and she even plays a motherly role for every student in the Maize High Choir.
Jake Omo Skeeter Rankins, he was my coach for four years.
Kayley Perkins Senora Elder is such a wonderful and inspiring person! If it was not for her and her passion for teaching I may have missed out on the trip of a life time, going to Spain. She shows the love she has for Spanish and has inspired me to continue on with it throughout my life! Not only is she a truly wonderful teacher, but she also wants to get to know you and understand who you are and listen to your life stories! She wants to see you not just succeed in school, but in life.
Tiffany Pham The whole art department, Mr. Albin, Mrs. Sauer, Mrs. Poole, Mr. Walker, Mr. Frye, Mrs. Schantz, Mr. Birdsell, and Mrs. McKaig pushed me on in life when I thought I couldn’t go anymore. They ensured that every day that I showed up would be a good day with their sarcasms, jokes, and understanding. I know that that’s super corny, but I’m a really corny person lol
Brandi Phillips Mrs. Elder was one of the most positive teachers here. She left an impact on me because of how much she cared about all of her students. When a student was sick she always used to check up on them and make sure they were getting better.
Teddy Pranion I’ve got to say coach Watkins. He’s taught me so much over the years and he’s made me realize how hard life is and every opportunity should be taken advantage of.
Chelsey Ratzlaff Mr. Bergkamp. He really taught me how to excel as a student and individual.
Nathaniel Reali Mr. Rankins. The man is very intelligent and is just a fun guy.
Ashley Reiswig Mr. Bergkamp, because he didn’t yell at me when I threw a pencil at him. He made Physics fun!
Rachel Reko Oh, man. There’s several: Rankins, Frye, Borrego, Nitcher, Kruse, Bergkamp. I’ve built wonderful relationships with all of these teachers, and they’ve taught me so much that will carry into college and outside of the classroom.
Laci Rekoske Mrs. Graber she cares about all her students and makes class worth learning. I will always remember her.
John Retzlaff My German teacher, definitely. About the only class that I WANTED to learn.
Sam Roath Mrs. Hogan. She helped me through a lot.
Skyler Roth Bergkamp. He’s such an amazing teacher.
Shea Roy Mr. Frye had the most profound impact on me because he had tough love and taught me that I could achieve so much more than I had ever thought.
Sydney Roy Señora Elder has had the most positive impact on me. She has been the most supportive teacher who helped me find my passion for Spanish. She cares for me and my success, and that means a lot to me.
Johannon Rucker Mrs. Prater and Mr. Kirk. They’ve shown me and many others the benefits of hard work and respect, inside and outside of music.
Marina Salas Mrs. Mans because she was always good and kind. She is my favorite.
Rachel Schreiber Ms. Graber has left a huge impact on me. When I had her for Creative Writing, she really helped me find my voice. She helped me realize I have a thing for writing and expressing my feelings through poems and short stories.
Trevor Schweikert Mr. Super, because he thinks differently than most teachers.
Devin Self Miss Hogan, because she is an awesome person.
Aaron Shaw Mr. Botts, Mrs. Manning, and Mrs. Kerbs were just people I had the privilege to be around a lot and just talking to them about anything helped.
Michael Sheets Mr. Walker, for teaching me valuable life lessons.
Tanner Shirk Mr. Frye. He’s so dedicated to his work and really pushes his students to be the best they can be.
Linnea Smidderick Mr. Kruse. I got really behind in AP Biology junior year. He gave me extra time and really pushed me to be better than I thought I could be. I ended up really liking that class.
Haley Smith Mrs. Cox has taught me that life is full of challenges and if you challenge yourself against them you will just drag your life along.
Matthew Smith Mrs. Nitcher is really fun and caring. She personally helps students with French and makes learning a second language easy and fun.
Austin Snell Mr. Frye and Mrs. Prater. Before my class with Mr. Frye, English 11, I admit that I was a very lazy student, breezing through school doing just enough work to pass. Upon entering Mr. Frye’s “dreaded” class, I found that he was definitely a different kind of teacher. He not only pushed me to work hard in class, but he made me WANT to work harder. I felt like he was teaching me on a personal level instead of treating me like one part of a whole class. Since taking his English class, I am performing much better in school and always am striving to not settle for mediocrity in any aspects of my life.
Dalton Sorell Mr. Super, because my interest in jobs has been agriculture based.
Lindsey Spencer Mrs. MacAnulty because she is a great teacher!
Alec Stephens Stanley Berg for teaching me that school can actually be enjoyable.
Tyler Stratton I would definitely have to say Mr. Powell who was my math teacher two years in a row, but retired last year. He just gave me all the support I needed to follow through with my dreams. He was also a great guy to be around all the time.
Kris Super Mr. Frye, challenging but very informative.
Jennifer Terrel Mr. Frye. He completely inspired me to do things and accomplish things I never thought I could!! He’s such an amazing teacher and I will always appreciate his dedication to the education of his students.
Megan Theodore Janssen because she is an awesome teacher and she is always happy no matter what.
Alex Tran Ben Harlow. He has taught me to fight for what you want and be aggressive about it.
Taylor Utter Probably Mr. Roulhac. I had him his first year of teaching my junior year, and he made history class bearable. He’s a great teacher and I loved having him and being his TA.
Lauren Villarreal I would have to say Mrs. Debes because when I first started high school I chose to do Yearbook, a class I was not even sure about, and she was so welcoming along with the older staff members. She has always been a great listener when it comes to personal problems and has a great sense of humor. She also knows how to cheer you up and boost your self-esteem. I’ve also learned that behind her sunny disposition she holds a powerful rage that you never want directed at you. I learned that real quick.
Hannah Wagner Curtis Shephard. He’s not the best at giving advice, but whenever I’m having a bad day he’s always there to listen. He has always been here to support me (even when I was an annoying Freshman) and I always know his room is a safe place for me to feel welcomed.
Samantha Watson I would say Mr. Watkins because he reminds me of my step mom a lot pushing me to my limit so I can graduate on time and with my class.
Emma Watt Mrs. Moser who taught my psychology and sociology classes had a huge impact on me. I understood that psychology was something I truly wanted to peruse in the future. Ms. Fei Fei Sun, my Chinese teacher probably had the greatest impact on me. She became my good friend and mentor. She also helped me discover the fascinating world of Chinese language.
Anna Weaver Kevin Frye because his class was difficult enough that I learned a lot from it but you could tell that he was excited about his job and wanted to see us learn from him. I had him for both freshman English and senior English so it was a full circle learning from him, giving me the tools I needed to excel in high school and then again in college.
Spencer Weaver Mr. Frye because I think he likes me. (:
Kenzie Wedman Mrs. Elder, she’s been with me the past 4 years and has left me with all sorts of advice and lessons.
Cora Witten Probably Mrs. Janssen she has pushed me to do incredible artwork.
Madeline Wofford Mrs. Elder, because she has really nurtured my love for Spanish and has encouraged me to continue on to take Spanish in college.
Meagan Wofford Mr. Frye had the most profound impact on me because he challenged me academically.
Jacob Worm Mr. Bergkamp. He is hands down, one of the best teachers I have ever had. He strives to teach and prepare us the best that he can, while still making his classes fun and enjoyable.
Amelia Wynn Ms. Bussart. She has helped me so much ever since I first had her sophomore year. She has given me so many opportunities and is always pushing me to do my best.
Dustin Yoder Mr. Shephard and Ms. Barbara. Both have pushed me out of my comfort zone and have helped me become a more confident person.