What started out as a joke during Sandy Nitcher’s fourth block French class turned into a citywide story.
Students everywhere have taken to Twitter to post pictures with their teachers making agreements that if they can reach a certain amount of retweets on their tweet, they will not have to take their final exam.
While discussing their final, junior Arynn Dalal brought up the recent pictures and suggested doing the same thing.
Nitcher and junior Riley Nevins came to an agreement that if his tweet receives 10,000 retweets, the classs will not take a French II final.
“When we did this whole thing I said, ‘But this is a joke,’” Nitcher said. “I do not have a Twitter but I kind of knew what a retweet was.”
Nitcher said she had completely forgotten about the agreement until principle Chris Botts let her know she should check KWCH’s 10 p.m. news where Nevins was interviewed for his tweet.
“It was really weird when I saw myself on the news,” Nevins said. “I thought it was going to get to only two maybe three hundred and then stop but then it just kept going after track practice.”
Although the tweet received many more than the 10,000 retweets, Nitcher has given the class two options. Either they can take the open note final or do a final project with a partner.
“I think it’s pretty fair. I forgot that she had mentioned it was a joke because I kind of got caught up in it. She is being pretty fair about it all,” Nevins said.
As of Wednesday afternoon, the tweet has reached 12,380 retweets.