Leah Brown
Maize High sophomore Lauren Jenkinson mentions how she has always been a fan of, "Princess and the frog", since she was a kid. "I have always loved to make dresses and for some reason, I decided to take a chance and do a Disney princess theme, and that is what the design-board represents and everything" Jenkinson said.
Imagine walking into your closet and having the ability to wear clothes designed and created by you. Students recently had the opportunity to learn how they could do exactly that.
The Fashion, Apparel, and Interior Design class have spent the past nine weeks designing refined fashion pieces for clients. Each individuals client differed, allowing for many creative ideas to surface.
Fashion, Apparel, and Interior Design instructor Elizabeth Mans helped the students through the process in order to create their finished product that was showcased this past Friday, December 16.
“Merchandising and Entrepreneurship students were tasked with creating a merchandising line with a specific client in mind,” Mans said. “Aspects of this project included sketches, a mood board, three sewing projects, a window display, and a design board which will communicate all the details.”
The designing process did not come without its hiccups though. Students had obstacles to overcome, such as designer’s block and problems to solve such as figuring proper dimensions throughout the project’s development. Maize South senior Shelby Tomlinson knew that sizing her project compared to her peers’ projects was going to be the biggest challenge throughout the work period
“Not all designs will fit everyone’s body shape.” Tomlinson said. “So going about figuring out how to cut out your pieces did take time.”
However, challenges did not hinder the creativity all classmates brought to the table with their concepts and designs.
“Fashion, Apparel, and Interior Design is a creative based class where you’re able to create whatever your heart desires,” Tomlinson said. “I can not express how exciting it is to make something on your own.”
Individuals enrolled in this class have the opportunity to bring their own ideas into reality. Even if a student doesn’t feel passionate about entering the industry post-graduation, or even students who feel they lack creative abilities can still pick up skills that can be applied in almost any field of work they choose to go into.
“Even if a student isn’t interested in a future career in the industry, these classes offer a chance to creatively develop, work hands-on, and practice critical thinking and problem solving in 3D design,” Mans said.
This class is enjoyed by many of the people who decide to take it. Students and instructors alike recommend students to take this class as it teaches valuable skills that can be applied in a variety of environments and gives them an opportunity to express their creativity.
“This class doesn’t seem long enough and I’ll definitely miss it,” Tomlinson said.