Graphic by Levi Eck
“There will be no early release Wednesdays in May” has been the hot topic amongst students. USD 266 administration has made the decision to discontinue early release Wednesdays due to the excessive amount of snow days this past winter.
Students have had mixed emotions regarding this decision. Some are disappointed because they looked forward to getting out of school early and others are happy about the decision.
Junior Abigail Grantham has tough feelings on the topic because she enjoyed the brief break especially in the middle of the school week.
“It’s sad because it was my favorite day because you’re halfway through the week and then get an early release,” Grantham said.
According to an email sent by the district, the decision was made to avoid adding days onto the end of the school year because of the lack of in-school hours.
“The extension of these three school days on Wednesdays in May will avoid a more drastic change to the school calendar or daily schedule, such as extending the school calendar by adding another school day or extending the length of each remaining school day.”
Senior Joshua Grieves said he will miss the extra time on Wednesdays..
“Every day feels so long, but Wednesday is the short day that gives you a break,” Grieves said.