Winter break is always a time for traveling and spending time with your family. Even if you don’t get the chance to travel, the holidays are a perfect time to sit down and talk to the people you spend the most time with. Family is an important part of life especially during the holiday season.
After the first semester back to school full time since the start of the pandemic, midterms, and finals, students from both high schools have been ready to relax and refresh. With semester one completed, students can finally feel the relief of going on a break.
Maize South senior Genna Pruter is spending her last high school winter break traveling and is looking forward to doing activities while at her destination.
“I am traveling to Indiana for two weeks,” Pruter said. “I am looking forward to seeing my family and going skiing.”
Although students may be traveling, family is an important part of this holiday season. Some students are traveling with or to their families.
Freshman Hadley Topping from Maize High said what she and her family plan on doing during winter break.
“We are going to Tennessee this Christmas break,” Topping said. “I’m excited because my family is surprising us with what we’re doing.”
Many students are ready for this long-awaited break. With having just one day left in the semester, you can feel the anticipation to finally get to winter break.
“ I’m looking forward to hanging out with family, friends, and getting to sleep in,” Topping said.