No matter how often I try not to care, I always find myself wondering if the person across the room is talking about me. I ask myself all sorts of questions. Like, “What are they talking about?”, “Are they talking about me?”, “Do I have something on my face?”, “Why are they laughing?” I know I shouldn’t care or even pay attention to what people say, but I do. Why? Why do I care? I know now it is because I am very insecure.
I don’t really have a reason to be insecure other than the fact that I want everyone’s approval and that causes me to stop doing what I want. It also forces me to stop being my whole self. My fear stops me from buying cheaper things and instead getting expensive or trendy items. It stop me from speaking in front of total strangers because God only knows what they will say. My insecurities are my biggest weaknesses.
Obviously I am not the only one having to deal with their insecurities. Elementary schoolers, middle schoolers, high schoolers and even adults all have different types of insecurities and deal with them on a daily basis. In fact we all do. But, if we all would be just a little bit kinder maybe people would not have so many insecurities and would not feel that they need to be someone else rather than themselves.
A good thing to practice is self love. I think most of us forget that the greatest opinion comes from ourselves. How is anyone ever going to be able to appreciate you for you, if you can’t even learn how to be happy and appreciate yourself. A few ways to practice self love is by surrounding yourself with positive people, embrace your uniqueness and doing things that make you happy. Although these things may not come easy at first it will if you continue to try. To end on a positive note, obviously insecurities are not the best thing to have; however, we all have them, therefore, you are not alone.